Monday, August 25, 2008

Answers in Dreams

It is already starting to fade. I followed you through the airport, desperate to see you before you left. It seemed you didn't want to see me, and yet that look in your eyes said you wanted to see me more than anything. Finally, when you conceded, you said: "The answer to your question is yes."

Such peace. I know it is difficult for you to express those things, nevertheless, you did and it was exactly what I needed.

You gave me the courage to enter the journey. I didn't even think about my limitations. You jumped in with me and we were off on the journey. I did things I didn't think I could do. I didn't even notice when you were gone.

It was just when my fibromyalgia was brought up that I realized I was one of six. One of six, when we started with twentysomething. I had taken each step on my own.

It was when I was down that I received a small reward, an egg filled with items. Small treasures. I was asked, "Do you know what that is?" I sifted through the trinkets and noticed a pair of small, stone wings. "You got your wings!" a female voice somewhere above/around me exclaimed. Indeed, I had. Did I have to continue the rigorous journey? I had the feeling I could, if I so chose.

Had I been disqualified for this journey, this race? But the wings let me choose. I wanted to keep going, even though I knew it would only get more and more difficult.

And then I awoke.

Thank you for the messages.