Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How Sweet It Is...

Today I had my first physical therapy appointment. I have committed to an action, to being in action and having a place to be twice a week. Hey, it's a start.

I liked the therapist. She seems very on the ball and knowledgeable about Fibromyalgia, my condition. She said all the right things, you know, those things you don't want to hear.

Her: "How much do you move around during the day?"
Me: "Not much if I can help it."
Her: "No, really, like how much moving around do you do with housework and stuff? Cleaning? Vaccumming?"
Me: "No, really I don't do much of that."
Her: "Oh, okay."

No, I don't do much. I told her about my mom passing away. I told her about being pretty shut down, so shut down that I really *haven't* been doing much. And yes, it is cyclical. I feel pretty badly wholisitically and I haven't felt like "moving" on. Moving period.

In response to this, she gave me some homework: walk more (short walks just to get the blood circulating again) and... give up sweets.


Oh hell.

I was going to do this. I was going to give it up again AFTER I was all done being pregnant. Being in grief. Being in pain. LATER. Not NOW. *sighs*

Guess I will have to give up that comfort. I want to feel better. I put myself on this path on purpose. And when I did give up sugar (about a year ago), I lost 40 pounds and felt pretty good.

(I just bought Girl Scout cookies, for crying out loud!)

I felt really good. Sugar is evil. It's hard to give up. (wah wah wah)


Good-bye cokes, I will miss your effervescent ways and how you make my tummy feel better. *sniff* Actually, Betsey told me to give them up slowly so I won't give myself a migraine. Okay, so it's not good-bye yet. Baby steps, this will all be about baby steps. At least I do know that I will feel better in the end.

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