Sunday, January 07, 2007

Next on Law & Order...

On the cellphone with M on the way from the hobby shop to Whole Foods...

M: "We saw something kind of exciting..."
G pipes up from the back seat: "No! Something VERY exciting!"
Me, thinking of all the trouble a hobby store might be: "Oh? What was that?"
M: "Well, we witnessed a shoplifting."
Me: "Did you report it?"
M: "We didn't have to, the store manager was on top of it. Some guy was mad and took off with a remote control helicopter kit."
G: "And they are going to jail!"
M: "Yeah, they had sold a kit to this guy earlier and he was mad that when he crashed it, it broke. He was insisting on getting another one for free. They refused, so he grabbed one and ran. They had the guy's credit card information and license plates."
Me: "That was stupid."
M: "Yup."
G, from the backseat: "Hey Dad! Will this be on one of the crime shows Momma watches?"
M: "Uh, I don't think so, son."

Hey, it could be the next Law & Order spinoff... Law & Order: Petty Theft. A whole show dedicated to crimes solved in five minutes.

G would like it. How about you?

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