Thursday, July 19, 2007

Growing Up and Kid Conversations

So, this morning when I dropped G off at his day camp, I leaned down to kiss him. For the first time he put his head down and gave me a "MOM! DON'T EMBARASS ME THAT WAY" look. I kissed him on the cheek anyhow. This is the first time he's been unwilling to show public affection. It was just in front of the counselor, not even like any kids were around to witness the horror of his mother kissing him good-bye.

I was hoping we wouldn't have to deal with that one yet. Oh well. He's growing up, my firstborn baby. *sniff* There are times I still want him to crawl back into my lap where he's protected and safe and loved. Do we moms ever get over that? I don't think I will.

Speaking of babies... I had a lovely phone conversation with NJ yesterday.

Me, cooing into the phone: "Hi baby!"
NJ, sincerely: "Hi-yee bay-ha-bee."
Me: "You're supposed to say "Hi Momma!"
NJ responds with miscellaneous baby babble.
Me, grinning: "I guess 'Hi Baby' is a good start."


G and I in the car last night, just the two of us. His Nintendo DS had run out of batteries so he was forced to talk to me. Unfortunately all he could muster was a constant stream of Super Mario wisdom and hypotheses. After having been nose down in the game for the entire day, I was hoping to get some real life conversation out of him:

Me, tired of Mario, this, Power Flower, that: "You know honey bunny, there is a whole world out there besides your Mario game or have you forgotten?"
G: "NO."
Me: "I mean, have you even noticed how green the grass is?"
G, perks up: "Green? Just like Luigi's cap, Mom!"

Can we say OBSESSION, borderline ADDICTION?

Ugh, I give up. Why did I get this game system for him in the first place?

Perhaps after he finds all 150 Power Stars, I can have my son back at least for a moment. Even if I don't get to kiss him anymore.

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