Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Let Your Clarity Define You

The waves do not stop moving, even if we are not standing near the beach.

And so the world has not stopped for me. And I have not stopped for the world.

But I imagine that I haven't been on the beach to bathe in the sun in awhile. I have been swimming in the murky depths.

It has been two years since my mom died and I still can't quite come to grips with it. I can't quite come to the totality of what that means for me. And there have been other losses too. My dear sweet boy, my first baby boy. And dreams. So many dreams have died. So much to mourn. So much loss.

And in this dark moment, two things happened. Several things really, but two significant things. I was presented with an opportunity just when I needed one (a sure thing), and I began tetering on the edge of losing another opportunity I already had.

My window has closed on the first opportunity, and the other opportunity is firming back up.

Regardless, regardless... I am beginning to see the shimmer of lights above me.

I hope it is Clarity.

1 comment:

One Mother with Cancer said...

It's been awhile, I hope you find your way...

Today marks the two year anniversary of my diagnosis with cancer; please visit my site to see how I’m doing