Friday, June 16, 2006

Baby Watch

Brief update:

3:15 am - woke up with back pain/back labor
5:15 am - groaning enough to wake up M
6:27 am - first contraction
6:37 am - second contraction, wahoo!
Skip to
8:30 am - Showering and packing, M calling work to cancel meetings
10:30 am - Doula friend arrives to go to doctor appointment, hand G to Kay with suitcase
11 something - Doctor says things moving along, tried to help things move a little faster without actual membrane stripage, tells us to walk
12 something - We walk, get good contractions 5-7 minutes apart and lasting longer. Now we're getting somewhere and I am holding up surprisingly well.
1 something - We sit to eat. So does Twiggy.
Sometime after that when home - More walking. Contractions are sporadic but continue.
After that walk - Trip to Whole Foods to load up on natural labor support items.
After Whole Foods - I make phones calls. Contractions sporadically continue.
8:00 - Protein packed smoothie for dinner.
9:00 - Waddle around the block. Oh yeah, still contractions, so what.
10:59 pm - Clearly this child is a product of me and will do this on her own damn time, thankyouverymuch. I blog about today with Star Trek playing as my background music for my Trekkie freak SIL. I quit waiting and head to bed.

I will guess that at 3:00 am just as I am falling into a deep sleep, Twigs will change her mind like a good Gemini and decide it's time to come out. Of course, I say this just to jinx it so I can get a FULL night's sleep.

You can never start too early with the reverse psychology. :-P


Ab-stractions said...

well your jinx worked and no, i am not a freak :P

Gwynnethe said...

Yes, I got sleep. Thankfully.

And I said TREKKIE freak, not like general freak. Trekkie freak you can't deny, girlfriend. :-P So there.

Ab-stractions said...