Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Genetic Tendency?

Yesterday, on the way back from the OBGYN's office, G was being chatty. Usually it involves running commentary of things he sees which then triggers some randomly connected thought.

About halfway home G became still and silence, admiring the somewhat cool midday breeze and the warming sun. He takes a moment and sighs:

"I want to go play golf."

I chuckled because it's just the type of thing that Mark might say, or rather, blurt out from his usually quiet ways. Like father, like son.

I say like father, except for that running commentary filled with seemingly unconnected interjections of random thoughts that really are connected to what was just said in a weird and twisted kind of way that would really take too long to explain exactly how that was connected to the perhaps not fully communicated thought started out with. That? That's like mother. :-)

1 comment:

Ab-stractions said...

yes, he inherited different types of crazy from each of you ;)