Monday, December 04, 2006

What I Learned (after) School Today

We bought a new lunchbag for G, since the funk of the old one was getting to the point where it might ruin the appetite of anyone sitting near him. I was tired of dumping full strength cleaner inside to try an eradicate the odor therein.

The new lunchbag has the one criteria that G listed as a "must have" which is a shoulder strap. He loves the shoulder strap. Most vinyl lunchbags don't have one, so I was delighted to find one at Fry's that did. (Perhaps it is a nerd thing?)

The new lunchbag is fairly nerdy, as lunchbags go. It has two sections, just in case you don't want to mix hot items and cold items. Each compartment has silver we-stole-it-from-the-Roswell-crash-site-materials that will keep those hot things hot and cold things cold.

I packed this super nerdy lunchbag with a bologna sandwich (?!?!? - his request), juicebox, pretzels on top and fruit snack, Dots, two Starburst and a TootsiePop.

As per usual, I checked the contents of the lunchbag at the end of the day. As per usual, the drink and sandwich were gone. (Yes, he's finally learned to THROW THINGS AWAY, at least lunch trash anyhow.) A partial bag of pretzels came home. And finally, as per usual, the sweets came home. (That's M's DNA at work, not mine.)

Me, shaking the empty sandwich container: "So, you ate all of your sandwich today?"
G looks at me and then glances away for a brief instant before looking back at me and giving me a non-committal: "Yeah."
Me, delightfully: "That's great!"
G, looks hesitant for a very fleeting moment and then broke out into a large smile.

Congratulations, kid, you have just learned to lie to your mother about what you ate for lunch.


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