Genevieve Rose, G's 2 year old Siamese calico, came up immediately to check out the new person. She then proceeded to leave, because two wound up boys were just too much at that moment. Notedly, she did join them on the top bunk for storytime as things settled down.
Bina Anne, our 13 year old tortie-calico, glared at me and asked "You brought ANOTHER one home?" She then sulked off to find her happy place.
Phineas Icklebutt, our 1 year old Siamese of hand-chomping fame, is remaining nervously on the opposite side of the house.

Sebastian Bock, my 15 year old flame point Siamese, jumped up on the desk in front of me and sat with me pondering the new person in our household. He then let Marcus pet him and offered kitty kisses for attentions paid. Sebastian came up to me later said, "You brought another one home I see... do I get any Tuna out of this deal?"
Sebastian probably was a politician in a past life cause now they are all waiting in the kitchen for their reward for the stress I have caused them. I guess a can of Tuna is just a small price...
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