I bought this T-shirt a long time ago for my husband when we were proud parents of just two cats. (Sebastian and Bina) I found this shirt particularly funny because Sebastian is a Demando Cat.
One of the great things I find about cats is the ability to set cat food out and let them graze at will. We've never really been fans of the "scheduled feed," partly because we're just not "scheduled" kind of people. This tendency really skews us to being "cat people" instead of "dog people." So, it's dry food open buffet at our house with special "tuna" (wet food) dinners offered every now and again.
Despite having an abundant supply of food on a consistent basis, Sebastian has been extremely bothered by the ability to see the bottom of his food dish. Usually this means that all the food has been pushed up against the sides and there is really plenty food left. Still, a spot is a spot and it causes immense consternation. More times than not, all it takes is a simple shake of the bowl to appease his Siamese worries of impending starvation. If he can't see the bottom, life is good. One spot of "blue" and life is filled with stress and anxiety. (We seem to only buy blue colored food bowls, so the catch phrase in our house is "Oh my G-d, there's BLUE in my bowl!")
Just like Demando Cat, Sebastian is not afraid to come get you at any moment of your day and tell you all about his deepest concerns of Languishing in Utter Starvation since we have obviously neglected an Important Act in His Daily Existence. This has even extended over the years to the water bowl which must be nearly full and As Fresh As Possible. Even worse, he's taught the other three cats to exhibit Immense Stress and Concern over the whole "blue" issue. (Well, I take that back a little bit: Phineas isn't as well versed in this idea, even though he's a Meeze. I think his feral background just makes him thankful there is food, period. I give him another year or two before he learns to fully express himself in this manner.)
The ugliest side of all this, is that Sebastian is also an emotional eater. If you have let the blue spots reside for any length of time which he sees unfit, he's gonna let you know exactly how he feels about it. Once you do see the Errors in Your Ways and amended yourself by filling up the Blue Bowl with tasty morsels, you must still be Punished. He will gorge himself on food then find a spot close to wherever the Offending Human may be and throw it all up, a.k.a. "yawking." Usually it is a spot where you will hear the deed, but not see him do it. He just needs to show you how he feels, not just tell you. (A reason to detest carpeting and thank the Universe for hard surface flooring.)
His bulimic tendencies aren't only about the food bowl, though. Any time he feels Neglected, it's open yawking season. We have learned to live with this personality trait, because I tend to think every being has their own special neuroses. We just have to acknowledge them and trust that Love is bigger than those little negativities. I wouldn't have traded my 15 years of laughter and tears that Sebastian has experienced with me. We all have our demands, and really, his is pretty small in the big picture. Even if it means cleaning up a pile of steaming yawk now and then.
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