I have not attempted pictures yet in my blog, so here's the maiden voyage. In my previous post I mentioned the ickle kitten we were *supposed* to foster, and not fall in love with over M's dead body. But, as you can plainly see, it was love at first sight. How could you resist that face? Obviously M got over it. Aren't kittens the cutest things on the planet? They are, but admittedly kittenhood is hell. Much like childhood. That was our little ickle then.... and now? See for yourself:

He's really not this serious in person. I think it's somewhere on the Meese gene that one being of Siamese heritage must look as diginified as possible when pictures are being taken. He's a handsome guy in his teenage phase. As I said, we're still learning boundaries and that people are actually pretty okay. I think he's pretty okay too, unless he's chomping on my hand.
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