Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Shut Up, Already!

When you are expecting a child, you dream of all the traits that your child might inherit from you. Your grace, your wit, your thick dark eyelashes. Rarely do we think of those other traits. The ones that drive us and everyone we know crazy. I am seeing a few of those develop in G and I have to chuckle. They are my traits, so it doesn't bother me so much, I understand them. It's M that now has to deal with TWO of us who now run these little programs. Thank goodness M is one of the most patient, gentle and kind people I know. Otherwise G and I would be in trouble.

One of the traits I am starting to see in him is the Fine Art of BedTalking. You see, some of us don't go to bed and fall asleep immediately. It's a place to relax and where your brain slows down enough that you might actually catch up with thoughts which raced through your head earlier with such speed that they weren't communicated appropriately. M has had to deal with this for years. He's the practical kind of person: when the lights go out, he's ready to sleep. He's not ready to hold deep and meaningful conversations. I consider him a captive audience, for as you well know, I don't sleep all that easily most of the time. He is usually obliging with a few "uh-huhs" and "mmm's" until he starts snoring in my face. That's my cue to shut up, roll over and try to sleep or get up and sit at the computer.

Last week he got a double whammy of this BedTalking phenomena when thunderstorms brought G into our bed. Despite my Ambien-laden brain, I was awake enough to engage in conversation with G, because that's what we do. We talked about lightning and thunder, what has been going on in school, the Mythbusters program from a couple of weeks ago and what toys he'd like on his Christmas list. Meanwhile, M is snoring away on the other side of G. Not a true, deep snore. A disturbed snore. A snore that wished it wasn't a snore and was actually something more deep and meaningful ilke Sleep. G and I tried to not giggle much. My hushing would only result in further giggles and away we'd go into whispers of a different subject. I finally had to shut my eyes and not look at G so he would quiet down and drift off to sleep himself.

M could easily remedy Having to Endure the BedTalking by moving, but we have a Tempurpedic mattress and therefore every other sleeping surface in the house in Vastly Inferior. So, M will put up with a little BedTalking until Quiet ensues and Peace befalls the house. Because it will happen... eventually. :-)

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