Saturday, May 06, 2006

ABC's of Me

*List stolen from another blogger. Feel free to share...*

Accent – I think it's mostly midwestern with twinges of Southern living and Texas. I was born in Alabama and started out life with a more horrendous accent. Thanks Mom for working that one out.

Booze of Choice – Wine: Riesling, Beer: Newcastle Brown Ale/Guinness, Alcohol: Margaritas (tequilla)

Chore I Hate – Cleaning.

Dog or Cat – Cat, as previously addressed.

Essential Electronics – Computer (PC), cell phone (Nokia), TiVo, iPod

Favorite Perfume – None. In a previous life I wore Red by Giorgio, but the older I get the more sensitive I am to perfume.

Gold or Silver? - Platinum. Trick question.

Hometown – I was born in Birmingham, Alabama. Wouldn't call that a hometown, though. Austin, Texas is more my speed. Lived the longest in Dallas, Texas.

Insomnia? – Uh, yeah. Most of the time. Ambien and I have a long standing relationship. Comes with the fibromyalgia.

Job Title – I've seen most episodes of Law & Order. Why can't that be a profession?!?! I am good at designing Powerpoint presentations and performing research. I have also made a pretty good sidekick at trade shows. I have a secret desire to be a Private Investigator when I grow up...

Kids? – I'm so close to officially saying two… how weird! G, 5 and babygirl, not yet.

Living Arrangement – With husband of 12 years, son, and four indoor cats. I am trying hard not to count Momma Cat and her three kittens who have taken up residence in my garage. Our house is actually a piece of JFK-related history. If you ask nicely, I might tell you more.

Most-admired Trait – How much I adore my friends and family? *grins*

Number Of Penguins In Your Bathtub – No penguins, but how does four crocodiles do for ya?

Overnight Hospital Stays – Just having G. *knocks on wood*

Phobia – hm. I have all sorts of weirdness, but no direct phobias that I am aware of...

Quote – "Be the change you wish to see in the world" Mohandas Gandhi

Religion – Neo-pagan, Buddhist, Kabbalist, Christian, Taoist, Quantum Theorist. I think that about covers it.

Siblings – a younger sister, who currently resides in Germany

Time I Wake Up – When I wake up. Some days it's 3 a.m., some days it's 6:30 a.m. with my boys, some days it's noon. (Note: refer to "Insomnia" above.)

Unusual Talent/Skill – I have what I lovingly refer to as "monkey feet." I manipulate my toes with a decent amount of skill. I once changed the CD in my mini-stereo completely with my foot. From opening the CD player, opening a new CD case, taking the new CD out of the case, taking the old CD out of the player, putting the new one in, closing the player lid and starting the music. I had a paint roller in my hand and my hands were messy with paint so I had incentive to attempt such a "feat." (I'm so punny.) Luckily, G seems to have inherited "monkey feet" too, although I have yet to see him use them with such mindbending skill.

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat – Don't much care for lima beans, but I will eat them. Finally had some good Brussel sprouts and eggplant, I will eat them if they are made to my liking.

Worst Habit – Too hard on myself/super self-critical.

X-rays – Dental, spine, foot (when I broke my toe)

Yummy Foods I Make – Lasagna, spaghetti, chicken tortilla casserole, blondies

Zodiac Sign – Taurus... and how.

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