Saturday, March 04, 2006

Brain Fry'sed

It hasn't been the greatest couple of days. Yesterday Mark didn't go to the office due to a network malfunction. I am always glad when he can spend time with me, especially now, with my pregnancy. I tend to be lots more clingy when pregnant, just part of the territory.

We headed out from the house yesterday with ambitions of a day of lazy browsing about town, starting with one of my favorite places on the planet: Fry's. I love Fry's. It feeds my every geeky need. Should I come of need for another husband (G-d forbid!), I am pretty sure I will find one at Fry's. (Or perhaps Half-Price Books.) Needless to say I could spend hours in Fry's just browsing and "petting" all the various electronics pieces and parts.

We start in the DVD section where I picked up the first season of Grey's Anatomy. (YAY! Love me some Grey's!) Then we mosey on to the TV section, because we had been flirting with the idea of getting G-man a new TV. (That's a whole nother blog entry in and of itself for later.) We browse TVs, then DVD players/recorders when, I start to get this twinge. It
s a twinge I know. A twinge I hate.

Me: "Honey, I think I am getting a migraine."
Him: "Oh?"
Me: "Yeah, feeling like my right shoulder is about five inches lower than the rest of me."
Him: *Gives me knowing look* "Okay, we'll look for DVD burners and perhaps a graphics card and then I'll be ready."
Me: "Okay."

We proceed to the DVD Burners where he *carefully* compares the options. I find a place to rest my six-month pregnant, pre-migraining self.

Him: (After a few minutes of reading and re-reading several boxes, which feels like FOREVER.) Okay, let's go look at graphics cards."
Me: "Okay" (follows him mindlessly)

We proceed to the Graphics card area where he *carefully* compares the options. I find a post that seems to need holding up. After a few minutes I tell him I am going to "pet" the notebooks. This is an activity I usually relish. I want a new notebook so badly.

I find the new Sony FJ series, including the color I thought I wanted: red. Which, isn't red... it's more raspberry and downright pink inside. PINK. ew. That takes all of a minute. I am so done. I return to my pole holding position. I call to him.

Me: "Honey, um, I really need to go"
Him: *Looking at boxes* "Um, okay, just trying to decide." *Walks over with boxes.* "You see I could get this one, but for thirty dollars more I could get more memory, see? Although this one is already four times what we have...." *still staring at boxes*
Me: *rolls eyes* "Please just decide."

The young man between Mark and I starts smirking.

(Cute) Young man says "He needs to find the right one."
Me: "Yes, yes, usually I am sympathetic to shopping, I AM a shopper, you gotta compare to make sure you get the right one... still...." *gives him a miserable look then looks at hubby, still involved in boxes. * "Decide."
(Cute) Young man smirks more. (I tell you, this place swarms with potential husband material.)

As we walk away, I share with Mark how everything in my line of vision is now moving of it's own accord. (If you know migraines, you will know these vision alterations are like; if not, just imagine the entire world moving while you are trying to move through it. Sufficient sea-sick feelings should arise.)

I spend the rest of the afternoon wishing I could take my Imitrex and crushing my skull between two pillows. So much for day of lax shopping with my dear hubby.

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