Saturday, March 25, 2006

Wired for Sound

I love my iPod. I think it's one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread. As a tween, I would listen to the radio and frantically try to record my favorite songs on cassette, generally with plenty of annoying DJ talk over. It was my best effort to play DJ and I felt I was pretty good at it. I still have most of my tapes. (In a box, in the attic I believe.)

The iPod has renewed that feeling of being in control of my music. To play ultimate DJ. Power trip to the extreme.

That power is currently being abused.

Now, being a good mommy, I feel I have done my best to infuse good muscial taste in my son. As an infant, I could only listen to the Gipsy Kings and Dave Matthews Band in his presence. As he's grown, we've expanded his preferred music to include the likes of Queen, Cake, and the B-52's.

Especially the B-52's.

Especially "Rock Lobster."

Which is what is currently playing on my iPod, very loudly, in the bathroom of my house.
and over
and over
and over.

G's a little excited because one of his best friends, G2, is coming over to spend the night tonight. The music is just G's expression of his mood. (He gets that from me.) His sheer excitement for the evening ahead. He's wired for sound.

(somebody help me!)

If I had a *fraction* of that energy, I would be Superwoman. I'd have a clean house, a week's worth of meals in the freezer, a fully landscaped yard and solved the world's starvation issues.

Thank goodness for husbands.

Ah... quiet from the bathroom. Guess it's safe to go back there now.

Perhaps not, we're having attitude issues. Great. It's gonna be a long day until G2 arrives. We're all waiting for 6:00.


I am sure I will have plenty of boy adventures to report later....

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