Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Closing Time

I am up at 3 am. Been a short while since I have done this, but alas, I did it with help. Help from the four year old. He was "lonely."

I used to not mind him crawling into bed with us. I love his warm little body next to mine, it makes me feel a little more secure and a little more special. Except... our bed is getting full enough without him.

We have four cats. Four cats who also adore their parents. We usually have at least three who sleep with us, if not all four. I also have the burgeoning belly and accompanying supportive maternity pillow. This makes the bed space at its premium. So, we're juggling, seeing who will budge. Hubby M took Boy G back to his space and I got up because I was hungry and no longer in "sleep mode." I figured if I could write this out, perhaps I too could return to slumber.

I have started a couple of posts, neither of which brought much to fruition. I would like to blog incessantly about my pride of cats, whom I love dearly. Writing their stories will keep them with me always. Besides, they are a hoot! My whole family is a hoot. Our stories should be captured and shared, and laughed over. Why hide something so great?

Since there is no whiskey or beer to be had, I just downed a half of an Ambien, along with pain pill and muscle relaxant. I hope it will do the trick and send me back to la-la land where I can further explore my fears and inadequacies in the comfort of my Tempurpedic. Part of what woke me up, beside young wiggle man, was belly pain. My muscles are doing the "priming" already by becoming painfully tight in practice for the "big day." I am only six months along, and wish we didn't have to start practice so early. I realize the body is a pretty intelligent beast and won't argue much. I just try to remain comfortable in the face of fibromyalgia since my body doesn't bounce back quite like it should. This is making me look forward to physical therapy tomorrow, although I am not sure they will be comfortable addressing the abdominal cramps. We'll see I suppose.

At least *knocks on self* the illness which has plagued me seems to be subsiding on the way out. Just lots of runny snot left, which tissues can handle. Slowly, slowly, my life comes back to me. I always move towards whole and complete. (Which may not be achievable for a while, post birth, post hormones.) I know it will come. It will always come back, even after the darkest hour. I trust that.

I feel as though I could sit here and keep going, probably for a couple hours. Instead I shall opt for another go at sleep. I might be back, but it will be a good sign if I can not. :-)

I know who I want to take me home... take me home.....

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